Student Experience

I’m visually fascinated at times during my class in progress, sudden flash of sharpness of letters appeared briefly. . . than it goes back to previous – Poh Yoke

I am now convinced of NVI – ChrisInternational student

I find myself wearing my glasses more than usual if I don’t practice eye exercises. – Ashoo

This is the 3rd practice. Vision just pops up momentarily whilst practising the chart technique . No, you can’t get this from reading book – Ananda

After attending a few sessions of NVI and doing the practices I can feel eyestrain whilst wearing my spectacles.  . . as described by teacher is part of improvement process . . .Peck Ha

NVI has made it possible for me, as I now approach 50 years of age, to avoid the use of reading glasses!  This was my goal when I set out almost 2 years ago to improve my vision naturally and this is what I was able to accomplish thanks to NVI and the professional, personal and customized instruction which I received from Chye Bin. Yes, I did have to complete exercises and do “homework” to make my dream of reading normally without the aid of spectacles possible, but I did it so I can say without reservation that NVI works!  Thanks to Chye Bin and all the other teachers of NVI who have gone before. – Galina – International student

I find your method is very effective and very easy to follow since 10 years back. I still have all the printouts you gave us last time. I would love to learn new techniques and exercises from you to help to improve to another level.Galina – 10 years later

After palming , I always feel refreshed and clearer in my vision – Harpreet Pri 5

This particular longer duration of palming enables me to visibly feel an appreciable more clarity than previous times – Myra Sec 1

The more confident I feel during practice, the more confident or clearer I see. – Ananda   Special