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Seeing Easy without spectacles                                                          Author: Loy Chye Bin


It is a childhood fascination that turned into a one man onerous mission to make sure no one is left bereft of this knowledge; a not widely heard – is popular in Western world where it is founded –  but is simple to learn techniques (which is embodied in us) to help address the tsunami of vision problems that are so prevalent not only in Asia particularly in the economically developed nations but also a growing global issue that deserves more than a passing mention. Is there such thing? Read the book to discover more than you were searching for. You should not miss for a lifetime thinking “ Why didn’t I know this before!”


First time this knowledge has ever been put in print and made known to the wider public in Singapore! Simple and easy to understand, written and taught by a Singaporean local.

Write in to purchase or get discount for bulk purchase. Don’t Miss it!

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